Bonus: apps that we like that combat food waste

by OH, a potato! team

⅓ of the world's food is thrown away with 95-115 kg of food being thrown away per year per person in the EU and NA (UN environment programme). 40% of wasted food is caused by households (last stage of supply chain) with 35 billion kg of food being wasted solely by US households (FoodPrint). Food waste that occurs at this stage of the supply chain is the most harmful to the environment because of the amount of carbon intensive activities required to reach that stage. (

How could we leverage technology to offer innovative solutions to reduce food waste and its environmental impact? We identified 3 big use cases:

Technology also plays a crucial role in educating consumers about food waste. Online platforms, social media, and educational apps can raise awareness about the impact of food waste and provide tips on food storage, meal planning, and creative ways to use leftovers.

Our favorite food waste apps:

And now, back to you: what’s one small thing you can do today towards a more sustainable kitchen?